Timeline of Casey Anthony case

This Timeline of the Casey Anthony case chronicles the events of the disappearance and death of Caylee Marie Anthony (born August 9, 2005) and the subsequent murder trial and acquittal of her mother, Casey Anthony (born March 19, 1986).

Almost three-year-old Caylee was last seen alive on June 16, 2008 at the Anthony family residence. She was reported missing by her grandmother, Cindy Anthony, on July 15, 2008.[1] Casey Anthony was indicted on charges of first degree murder and plead not guilty, on October 14, 2008. Caylee's skeletal remains were discovered in a wooded area near the family home on December 11, 2008. The prosecution sought the death penalty and the trial lasted for six weeks. On July 5, 2011, the jury found Casey Anthony not guilty of murder, aggravated child abuse, and aggravated manslaughter of a child, but guilty of four misdemeanor counts of providing false information to a law enforcement officer. Anthony received a sentence of one year in county jail and a $1,000 fine for each count. With credit for time served and good behavior, she was released on July 17, 2011.[2][3][4]



June 9, 2008 — Casey Anthony and her daughter Caylee move out of Casey's parents, Cindy and George Anthony’s home, and in with her ex-boyfriend, Ricardo Morales, and friend, Amy Huizenga.[5]

June 15, 2008 — Caylee is videotaped visiting an assisted living facility with Cindy Anthony.[6] Cindy swims with Caylee in the Anthony's pool, afterwards removing the ladder and closing the gate.[5]

June 16, 2008 — Caylee is last seen alive at the Anthony family residence. According to George Anthony, Caylee departed with Casey by car around 12:30 PM with backpacks on their shoulders.[7] According to the defense, Caylee drowned in the family's above-ground swimming pool during this day and both Casey and George Anthony panicked upon finding the body and covered up her death.[6][8] Between 3:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Casey makes numerous short calls to her parents and several friends. Surveillance videos show Casey Anthony and her boyfriend walking around casually at a Blockbuster video store. Later the two were seen at Burger King engaging in sexual activity in the family restroom.[5]

June 17, 2008 — George and Cindy Anthony notice that the gate to the swimming pool is open and the ladder is next to the pool.[5][9]

June 20, 2008 — Casey Anthony is captured in various photos partying at the Fusion nightclub and participating in a “hot body contest.”[10][11]

June 30, 2008 — Casey's car is towed from a parking lot after being there for several days; her purse and a child’s car seat are found in the car.[5]

July 2, 2008 — Casey gets a tattoo on her back saying "Bella Vita" which means "beautiful life” in Italian.[6]

July 15, 2008 — George and Cindy Anthony pick up Casey’s car from the impound yard. George Anthony observes a strong odor emanating from the vehicle. Distressed because Casey has not brought Caylee home in a month, Cindy has Amy Huizenga take her to where Casey is staying and makes Casey come home.[5] Casey tells her parents that she hasn't seen Caylee in a month and that a babysitter named Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez (“Zanny”) may have kidnapped her. Cindy Anthony calls 911 and reports her granddaughter Caylee missing.[12]

July 16, 2008 — Police investigators discover Casey Anthony has been lying about her place of employment and where she says her nanny lives. As a result, Casey is arrested and charged with child neglect, making false official statements, and obstructing an investigation.[5][6][13]

July 17, 2008 — Casey appears in court, during which time the judge denies bail, saying she showed a “woeful disregard for the welfare of her child.” The Sheriff’s Office searches Casey's car and takes several items of evidence.[5]

July 18, 2008 — Casey Anthony hires Jose Baez as her legal attorney.[14] who writes a letter to Orange County Sheriff’s Office about Casey’s willingness to cooperate with law enforcement.[15]

July 22, 2008 — Because of police testimony about allegedly incriminating evidence from the car, Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland sets Casey Anthony's bail at $500,000.[6]

July 29, 2008 — Judge denies defense motion to ban the release to the media all jailhouse recordings, 911 tapes and visitor logs.[6] Florida public records law mandates record requests by media be honored promptly.[16] Over the next three years thousands of pages of audio, video, forensic information and legal documents detailing the criminal investigations will be released.[17]

August 5, 2008 — The State Attorney's Office files formal charges against Casey Anthony for one felony count of child neglect.[5]

August 8, 2008 — WFTV reports that investigators suspect Caylee may have drowned in the family swimming pool on June 16.[5]

August 11, 12, 13 - Meter reader Roy Kronk reports suspicious bag to police.[18] A police officer meets Kronk at the scene and Kronk tells him he had seen a skull and bones in a bag. However, the officer was rude and conducted only a cursory search.[19]

August 21, 2008 — After bail bondsman Leonard Padilla pays Casey Anthony's $500,000 bail[5] she is fitted with an electronic monitoring device and released.[6][20]

August 29, 2008 — Casey Anthony is arrested again on charges of writing four checks worth nearly $650 on Amy Huizenga's account without permission.[21][22] Orange County police said the charges are "unrelated to the investigation."[23] Prosecutors offer Casey a limited immunity deal related to "the false statements given to law enforcement about locating her child." She refuses it soon after.[6] (The offer is renewed on August 25[24] and again refused.[25])

September 5, 2008 — Casey Anthony’s parents post a $500,000 bond and she is released from county jail into their custody after being fitted with an electronic tracking device.[26][27][28]

September 6, 2008 — Deputies seize a handgun from the trunk of George Anthony's car because having a gun on the property violates Casey's bail.[6] George says he planned to use it to force Casey's friends to tell him what happened to Caylee.[29]

September 10, 2008 — The whole family allegedly refuses to take a lie detector test offered by both the FBI and local authorities.[5][30]

September 15–16, 2008 — Casey Anthony turns herself in on new check fraud charges, fraudulent use of identification, and petty theft.[5] She is released the next day on $1,250 bond, and again fitted with an electronic tracking device.[6]

September 25, 2008 — Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez, the woman Casey Anthony reportedly named as an alleged baby sitter and suspect in the case, files a defamation lawsuit against her.[31]

October 14, 2008 — Casey Anthony is indicted by a grand jury on charges of first degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child, and four counts of providing false information to police. She is later arrested.[32][33] Judge John Jordan orders that she be held without bond.[34] Because it is a capital crime, Casey Anthony faces possible death penalty.[6][35]

October 21, 2008 — Charges of child neglect are dropped against Casey Anthony on assumption the child is dead.[36] On October 28 Casey Anthony is arraigned and pleads not guilty to all charges.[37]

November 8–9, 2008 — Texas EquuSearch leads hundreds of volunteers in a search of a grid for Caylee, but when nothing is found they suspend their search.[5][6]

November 15, 2008 — A psychic instructs the Anthony family’s private investigator Dominic Casey to search the area where Caylee’s remains later are found. The search is videotaped. The family’s attorney denies asking Dominic Casey to search there.[38] The area was under several inches of water at the time.[39]

December 5, 2008 — The state initially says it will not seek the death penalty against Casey Anthony.[6]

December 11, 2008 — After yet a fourth tip from Roy Kronk, skeletal remains of what appeared to be a small child are found one-quarter mile from the Anthony home.[6] Orange County Sheriff's Office obtains warrant and searches Anthony residence.[5]

December 19, 2008 — Police announce DNA testing confirms that the remains belong to Caylee Anthony.[31][40]


January 23, 2009 — Police discover George Anthony, who had been text messaging family members, despondent and possibly under the influence of alcohol and medication in hotel room. Police also discovered a lengthy suicide note.[6][31]

January 29, 2009 — Judge Stan Strickland orders Casey Anthony to appear at all court hearings in her case.[6]

April 14, 2009 — The State of Florida reverses self and will seek the imposition of the death penalty.[31][41]

September 17, 2009 — Casey Anthony's defense team files a motion to dismiss the murder charges against her because the state allegedly failed to preserve evidence in the case. The motion is denied.[5]

November 24, 2009 — Defense attorneys accuse EquuSearch's Tim Miller of lying to the court in their claim that only 32 people searched in the area where Caylee's remains were eventually found and that the number was much higher.[6]

December 18, 2009 — Judge Stan Strickland denies a request to take the death penalty off of the table in the prosecution of Casey Anthony.[5]


January 26, 2010 — Casey admits guilt for 13 fraudulent check charges, takes responsibility for her actions,[6] and makes full restitution. The judge sentences her to time served.[22]

April 19, 2010 — Judge Stan Strickland steps down after Casey Anthony's defense team files a motion accusing him of having inappropriate conversations with a pro-prosecution blogger. Strickland granted the motion because the accusation would "generate renewed allegations of bias". Judge Belvin Perry, Jr. is appointed to take over the case.[5][6]

May 11, 2010 — Judge Perry will allow the state to seek the death penalty.[6]

August 14, 2010 — Cindy Anthony on the "Today" Show calls Casey a victim, and claims she's not involved with what happened to Caylee's remains.[6]

August 16, 2010 — George and Cindy Anthony's attorney, Brad Conway, steps down because he disputes a Jose Baez motion claiming Conway was given unrestricted access to documents belonging to Texas EquuSearch to which he was not given the same access.[5]


January 4, 2011 — Judge Belvin Perry postpones ruling on over two dozen defense motions to exclude evidence from the trial.[42] Over the next several months Perry rules for or against these various motions to exclude evidence.[6] He admonishes, and later financially sanctions, defense attorney, Jose Baez, for failing to turn over expert witness discovery information to prosecutors before a certain deadline.[43]

April 1, 2011 — After numerous outbursts by lawyers in court over what is and is not scientific evidence, Judge Perry ruled more such behavior would result in a fine of $100 per outburst, with the proceeds to go to the United Way.[6]

May 20, 2011 — After eleven days of jury selection, Judge Perry swears in a jury of five men and seven women, plus three men and two women as alternate jurors.[6]

May 24, 2011 — Trial begins in Orlando, Florida. The prosecution states Casey Anthony used duct tape to suffocate Caylee Anthony. The defense contends the child actually drowned in her grandparents’ swimming pool, that Casey’s father George Anthony warned Casey she would be imprisoned for life for child neglect and then covered up the death; thus she failed to report the incident for 31 days. Also, because George Anthony had sexually molested Casey as a child she had a habit of hiding her pain and lying.[44] Baze admits Casey had fabricated the story of the nanny named Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzales.[45] Baez also questions whether Roy Kronk, who found the remains, actually removed them from else where and questioned police motivations for pursuing a murder investigation.[44][46][47] Prosecutors call George Anthony as their first witness and he denies to them having sexually abused his daughter Casey or covering up the death of Caylee.[48]

May 25, 2011 — Various friends of Casey Anthony testify about her fabricated stories during June and July 2008 of having a job and employing a nanny for Caylee. Neighbor testifies that in mid-June 2008 Casey and a boyfriend borrowed a shovel from him to dig up a bamboo root.[49]

May 26, 2011 — Former boyfriend testifies Casey told him her brother, Lee Anthony, sexually groped her. George Anthony says he did not smell decomposition in Casey’s car on June 24, 2008 and states he put duct tape over a hole in one of the plastic gas cans she had returned to him.[50]

May 27, 2011 — Tow truck company manager and George Anthony testify that from their experience the smell from Casey’s car resembled human decomposition.[51] George Anthony denies to Jose Baez having sexually abused Casey.[52]

May 28, 2011 — Former boyfriend testifies about Casey’s normal behavior on June 16, 2008. Cindy Anthony testifies that they swam that day and that Caylee could get up the ladder into the pool. She also believed Casey worked at Universal Orlando Resort and had a babysitter named Zanny.[53]

May 31, 2011 — Cindy Anthony says her description of Casey’s car smelling “like someone died” was just a “figure of speech.” She tried to get rid of the smell by spraying Febreze household odor eliminator. She says she found the pool ladder in the pool the evening of June 16. Casey’s friend Amy Huizenga talks of Casey’s frustration about getting help with Caylee and reveals that on June 27 Casey texted her about a dead animal on the frame of the car.[54]

June 1, 2011 — The first officers to arrive at Anthony home on July 16, 2008 say they did not smell human decomposition in Casey’s car and admit they did not search the other two family cars. They testify about Casey going to Universal Orlando Resort with Casey that day, where she confessed she no longer worked there and did not have a nanny named Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez.[55]

June 2, 2011 — Video tapes of Casey lying to her parents in jail and denying to an officer on July 16, 2008 that Caylee had drowned in the pool, as he suggested.[56]

June 3, 2011 — Investigators describe evidence collection from Casey’s car and obtaining from the towing yard the garbage bag that had been in it. One investigator states he smelled human decomposition.[57]

June 4, 2011 — An FBI forensic scientist testifies the single hair removed from the car trunk was similar to a hair from Caylee’s hair brush and had “root-banding” consistent with that from a decomposing body.[58]

June 6, 2011 — Dr. Arpad Vass of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory describes using a gas chromatograph mass spectrometer to find signs of human decomposition and a high level of chloroform in the trunk of Casey's car. The defense challenges Vass’ financial motivation and the chain of evidence.[59][60]

June 7, 2011 — FBI forensic chemist confirms chloroform residue in trunk of Casey’s car but admits household cleaning products leave traces of chloroform. Dog handler describes dog alerting to human decomposition in the trunk, as well as Caylee's playhouse.[59]

June 8, 2011 — Second dog handler says his dog smelled decomposition in back yard. Computer analysts confirm a search for "chloroform" on Casey’s computer March 17, 2008 and “how to make chloroform" on March 21, 2008.[61]

June 9, 2011 — Software analyst John Bradley states someone used the Anthony computer to search the website Sci-spot.com for "chloroform" 84 times on March 21, 2008. He admits that automatic page reloading could account for that number and there was no way of knowing who performed the searches.[62] Investigators show photographs of the remains, including of duct tape that appears to be over the mouth area. One admits that duct tape might not originally have been on the mouth and could have shifted position as he collected remains. Casey Anthony becomes ill looking at the photographs and the jury is dismissed for the day.[63]

June 10, 2011 — Medical examiner states that the death is ruled a homicide because of the delay in reporting the disappearance, the fact the body was hidden and the existence of duct tape, but admits she did not know how the child died.[64] Crime scene investigators describe similar maggots found in the car trunk and at the crime scene.[65]

June 11, 2011 — An expert in forensic entomology states he found flies related to decomposition in the trunk of Casey's car. Orange County crime scene investigators identify a piece of Henkel brand duct tape found at the scene and testify it is the same brand as George Anthony put on the red gas can. One states that no Henkel brand tape was found else where in Anthonys' home.[66]

June 13, 2011 — FBI examiner states a hair from the child’s skull is consistent with but not identical to the single hair found in the trunk. FBI agent could not find fingerprints on duct tape found near the remains but initially did find adhesive in the shape of a heart on a corner of a piece of duct tape; later she could not find it again.[67][68][69]

June 14, 2011 — FBI quality assurance specialist says the hair found in trunk could have come from any member of the Anthony family.[70] A crime scene investigator says heart shaped stickers were found in Casey’s room but did not link them to the one alleged to be on the duct tape.[71] Testimony about and photo of Casey’s “Bella Vita” tattoo made on July 2, 2008.[72]

June 15, 2011 — Prosecution rests its case. Defense makes a motion to acquit based on insufficient evidence a murder was committed, which the judge denies based on previous case rulings.[73]

June 16, 2011 — Defense begins it’s case, often recalling state witnesses for further testimony. Crime scene investigator says no blood was found in Casey’s car or incriminating stains on her clothes.[74] FBI analyst states no DNA evidence was found in the car or at the crime scene. She states FBI did a paternity test that showed Lee Anthony was not Caylee's father.[75] Crime scene investigator and forensics supervisor state a heart-shaped sticker was found far from the body. An FBI forensic document examiner found no evidence of a heart shaped sticker on the duct tape found near the remains.[74][75]

June 17, 2011 — Entomologist called by the defense states if there was a body in the trunk, there should have been hundreds or even thousands of blow flies trapped in the trunk as well.[76]

June 18, 2011 — Defense calls a new witness, Dr. Werner Spitz, who questions the medical examiner’s autopsy, including the failure to open the skull, and says there was no indication the death was a homicide. He believes the duct tape was placed on the skull after decomposition and that the crime scene photos of the position of the hair on the skull were staged, possibly by the medical examiner.[77]

June 21, 2011 — A defense-called forensic botanist challenges the prosecution’s theory of when the body was placed at the crime scene. An expert in analytical chemistry who works with Dr. Vass challenges the process of testing for the presence of chloroform.[78]

June 22, 2011 — An FBI forensic examiner says no dirt from the crime scene was found on shoes at the Anthony home or a neighbor’s borrowed shovel. FBI forensic toxicologist found no toxins in the hair from Caylee Anthony's skull. A scientist who worked with Dr. Vass who testifies tests did not conclusively prove there was a body in the trunk. The FBI's forensic chemist examiner could not find traces of chloroform in the car. The FBI forensics expert found no hair in the trunk liner showing signs of decomposition. She also testified the duct tape at the crime scene was dissimilar to that in the Anthony home.[79]

June 23, 2011 — An FBI hair and fiber expert says only one hair from the car truck had a sign of decomposition. There is a long debate among prosecutors and defense over the reliability of “root banding.” An expert in forensic toxicology testifies Dr. Vass’s test "lacked organization and planning” and had “minimal standards of quality control." He also mentions that chloroform is a byproduct of chlorinated swimming pool water.[80]

June 24, 2011 — The defense shows Cindy a photograph of Caylee on the pool ladder and she again mentions the ladder was in the pool on June 16 when she returned home, adding that she called George to ask about it. The defense also showed the jury a picture of Caylee appearing to open a sliding-glass door at her home. Cindy says Caylee was capable of opening the sliding door to the yard and the pool.[81] Lee Anthony states he was not told Casey was pregnant until days before Caylee’s birth. Search volunteer testifies about duct tape being used at search headquarters.[82]

June 25, 2011 — Judge Perry temporarily halts proceedings after defense motion to determine if Anthony was competent to proceed with trial, based on a privileged communication from Casey Anthony.[83][84][85]

June 27, 2011 — Casey Anthony found competent to continue after psychological evaluation.[86] June 27 also is the date the prosecution states it discussed with defense attorney Jose Baez software analyst John Bradley’s post-testimony admission to prosecutors that there was only one search for chloroform, not 84.[87][88] In testimony, the lead detective admits cadaver dogs had not searched inside the Anthonys' home, or in two other Anthony cars. A professor of chemistry called by the dense says there is no scientifically valid instrument that can identify decomposition,[84] that there is no consensus on what chemicals are typical of human decomposition[89] and that chemical compounds identified by Dr. Vass in air samples can be found in household products and garbage. Three witnesses discuss the November 2008 videotaped search by Anthony family private investigators in the woods where Caylee’s body later was found.[84]

June 28, 2011 — A Texas EquuSearch team letter discusses their November search for Caylee of the site where the body later was found. George Anthony denies he had an affair with Krystal Holloway, borrowed money from her, or told her Caylee’s death was “an accident that snowballed out of control." He admits going to her home and sending her a text message. He testifies he bought gun to threaten Casey’s friends into telling him where Casey was, even though he knew having one violated Casey's bail. Cindy Anthony denies she sent private investigators to search the site where Caylee's body later was found; her son Lee Anthony and the case’s lead detective then testify she did so, after talking to a psychic.[90] Roy Kronk testifies about his calls to police and finding the body. He denies he told his son finding the body would make him rich and famous,[91] but admits he did receive $5,000 after Caylee's remains were identified.[90] Judge Perry does not allow jury to hear Casey's ex-fiancée say that Casey told him Lee had once tried to grope her while she was sleeping.[92]

June 29, 2011 — Cindy Anthony says Casey's response to the media theory that Caylee drowned was "Surprise. Surprise." Baez asks George Anthony about his suicide attempt in January 2009 and the next day the judge allows the jury to see the suicide note.[93][94] Roy Kronk’s son states that Kronk did say that finding Caylee Anthony would making him rich and famous. Kronk testifies about why he changed his story about lifting the skull. An expert on grief and trauma testifies that pretending nothing had happened and partying was one of many different ways people, especially young people, express grief.[93]

June 30, 2011 — Casey Anthony tells Judge Perry she does not want to testify.[95] Perry will not allow the jury to sniff air samples from the car trunk.[70]/[93] Defense calls search volunteer Krystal Holloway who states that she had an affair with George Anthony. She states that George Anthony told her that Caylee's death was "an accident that snowballed out of control." Under cross-examination she also agreed with her earlier statement to police in which she said George Anthony did not say he knew it was an accident. After Holloway steps down, Judge Perry tells jurors that her testimony could be used to impeach George Anthony's credibility, but that it is not proof of how Caylee died.[93][96] George, Cindy and Lee Anthony testify that their pets had been buried in the back yard. Cindy calls it a “tradition” to wrap them in blankets and a plastic bag; duct tape was used to keep the plastic bags from opening. After this final witness, the defense rests.[95] The prosecutor rebuttal begins with showing the jury photographs of Caylee’s clothes and George’s suicide note.[97]

July 1, 2011 — The prosecution continues rebuttal with two representatives of Cindy Anthony’s former employer explaining why their computer login system shows Cindy was at work the afternoon she said she went home early and searched her computer for information about chloroform. A police computer analyst says someone had purposely searched online for “neck + breaking.” Another analyst testifies she did not find evidence that Cindy Anthony had searched certain terms she claimed to have searched. An anthropology professor is recalled to rebut a defense witness on the need to open a skull during an autopsy. The lead detective states that there were no phone calls between Cindy and George Anthony during the week of June 16, 2008, but admits he did not know that George had a second cell phone.[98]

July 3, 2011 — Judge Perry rules that during closing arguments the defense could argue there was a drowning because there was sufficient evidence of that, but could not argue George had sexually abused Casey.[99] Prosecution does an hour and a half of closing arguments, offering a timeline of events and asserting that Casey suffocated Caylee by putting three pieces of duct tape place over her face. The alleged motive was that the child interfered with her partying and spending time with her boyfriend. The prosecution states the defense' story that Caylee drowned and George encouraged her to cover up the accident made no sense. The defense counters with four hours of arguments insisting there was no proof of how Caylee died, challenging the prosecutors' most important evidence as “fantasy,” and emphasizing the reasonable doubt that Casey killed Caylee. It again insists that after the child drowned, Casey panicked and George Anthony made the death look like a murder and put the body in the nearby woods.[68][100]

July 4, 2011 — Prosecutors present a rebuttal to the defense closing, telling jurors their forensic evidence had proved their case, while the defense made claims they did not prove. The case then goes to the jury.[101] Judge Perry issues final instructions to the jury.[102]

July 5, 2011 — After more than ten hours of deliberation, the jury acquits Casey Anthony of all felony charges (i.e., of first-degree murder, aggravated manslaughter, and aggravated child abuse), but finds her guilty of four misdemeanor charges of giving false information to police.[10]

July 7, 2011 — Judge Perry sentences Casey Anthony to one year in county jail and $1,000 in fines for each of the four misdemeanor counts of providing false information to a law enforcement officer. The judge orders all sentences to run consecutive to each other, with credit for time served.[103] Based on three years credit for time served plus additional credit for good behavior, her release date is set for July 17, 2011.[104] Judge Perry announces he will not release the juror’s names for seven days saying some people “disagree with their verdict" and "would like to take something out on them."[105]

July 13, 2011 - Texas EquuSearch, which assisted in the search for Caylee, sues Casey Anthony for the costs of the search.[106]

July 15, 2011 — Casey Anthony appeals convictions of providing false information to a law enforcement officer.[107]

July 17, 2011 — Casey Anthony is released from jail at 12:10 AM, with $537.68 in cash.[4]

July 19, 2011 — Prosecutors write a letter responding to a New York Times article about alleged withholding of exculpatory evidence about the chloroform searches and says they were about to give the jury a Notice of Supplemental Discovery but did not do so because jurors had reached a verdict.[108][109]

July 26, 2011 — Judge Belvin Perry rules juror names will remain secret until October 2011, citing public “outrage and distress” over the not guilty verdict. He also appeals to Florida legislators to bar the release of juror’s names in some cases “in order to protect the safety and well-being of those citizens willing to serve.”[110]

August 1, 2011 — Orange Circuit Judge Stan Strickland signs amended court documents that order Casey Anthony to return to Orlando within 72 hours to serve one year of supervised probation for the check fraud charge that Anthony pled guilty to in January 2010.[111] Jose Baez accuses Strickland of bias in the ruling.[112] Strickland recuses himself from the case.[113]

August 5, 2011 — Baez obtains an emergency hearing with Judge Perry arguing Anthony already had served her probation and that Strickland no longer had jurisdiction over her. Perry postpones a decision calling the situation "a maze."[113]

August 10, 2011 — The Florida Department of Children and Families releases report concluding that Casey Anthony failed to protect Caylee, and that Casey's actions or lack of actions resulted in the death of the child. The finding has little legal relevance.[114]

August 12, 2011 — Judge Belvin Perry upholds Judge Strickland's order, ruling that Casey Anthony must return to Orlando to serve one year's probation for check fraud, reporting no later than noon on August 26. The judge declares that her residential information during the probation period may be kept confidential because of threats made against her life.[115]

August 23, 2011 — After defense attorneys file motion to appeal Judge Perry's probation ruling,[116] the Florida Fifth District Court of Appeals upholds it.[117] Casey Anthony reports for probation at a secret location on August 24.[118]

September 15, 2011 — Judge Belvin Perry rules Casey Anthony must pay $97,000 of the $517,000 the state of Florida wanted her to pay for investigative and prosecution costs to the state under a provision of Florida sentencing law. He ruled she only had to pay those costs directly related to lying to law enforcement about the death of Caylee, i.e., search costs up to September 30, 2008, when the Sheriff's Office stopped investigating a missing-child case.[119][120] In earlier arguments Attorney Cheney Mason had called the prosecutors' attempts to exact the larger sum "sour grapes" because the prosecution lost its case. He told reporters that Anthony is indigent.[121]

September 23, 2011 — Judge Belvin Perry rules Casey Anthony must pay an additional $119,000 for the recalculated costs of the sheriff's search for Caylee Anthony, for a total of $217,000.[119]

October 8, 2011 — Casey Anthony answers a few questions and takes the Fifth Amendment repeatedly in a video deposition regarding the Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzales lawsuit.[122][123]

October 25, 2011 — Judge Perry releases names of jurors in Casey Anthony trial.[124]


February 15, 2012 — Casey's first monthly court payment of $20 is due.[6]


  1. ^ Muessig, Ben (June 19, 2011). "Caylee Anthony's Father's Identity Remains A Mystery At Casey Anthony Trial". Huffington Post. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/17/caylee-anthony-father_n_879363.html#s297380&title=Casey_Anthony_Trial. Retrieved June 26, 2011. 
  2. ^ Pavuk, Amy and ieto, Bianca. "Casey Anthony not guilty of murder: Jury finds Casey Anthony not guilty of murder, manslaughter, aggravated child abuse; guilty of providing false information to law enforcement". Orlando Sentinel, July 5, 2011. Reprinted at the Hartford Current
  3. ^ "Casey Anthony to be released from jail next week". MSNBC. July 7, 2011. http://www.cnn.com/2011/CRIME/07/07/florida.casey.anthony.next/index.html. Retrieved July 7, 2011. 
  4. ^ a b David Lohr, Casey Anthony Released From Jail After Nearly Three Years (VIDEO, Huffington Post, July 17, 2011.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Discovery Channel Casey Anthony Timeline, Discovery Communications, see link to relevant dated page.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y The Timeline in The Case Against Casey, Central Florida News 13.
  7. ^ "Timeline of Events : Casey Anthony : Caylee Anthony" July 15-21 - 2011], Discovery Communications.
  8. ^ "Prosecution, defense offer closing arguments in Casey Anthony trial", July 3, 2011: Ashley Hayes, CNN Cable News Network. Retrieved July 7, 2011.
  9. ^ David Lohr, Casey Anthony's Mom: Ladder Was Left Outside The Pool, Huffington Post, June 24, 2011.
  10. ^ a b "Timeline in the Casey Anthony case", Associated Press, July 5, 2011.
  11. ^ Jacqui Goddard,"Room-mates describe 'fun party girl' Casey Anthony modelling in 'hot body' contest four days after daughter Caylee disappeared", Daily Mail, May 26, 2011.
  12. ^ "Missing Florida Girl's Grandmother Asks Police to Arrest Daughter for 'Grand Theft' in 911 Call", Fox News Channel, July 25, 2008.
  13. ^ Barbara Liston, Casey Anthony lied and killed daughter: prosecutor, Reuters, May 25, 2011.
  14. ^ Casey Anthony Timeline, page 1, WESH.
  15. ^ June 21, 2008 Jose Baez letter to Orange County Sheriff’s Office
  16. ^ Amy L. Edwards, Florida laws open book on Casey Anthony’s life, Florida Society of News Editors newsletter, March 15, 2009.
  17. ^ Other major releases of documents occurred on July 24, August 26, September 12, September 23, September 29, October 24, 2008; January 22, June 19, August 25, September 29, October 9, 2009; February 16, April 23, November 2, 2010. For details see Casey Anthony documents archive - Evidence released in Caylee Anthony search and discovery (and motions related to that evidence) from Central Florida News 13 and Miscellaneous documentary evidence released by the state from 2008 from the Discovery Channel.
  18. ^ Bianca Prieto and Walter Pacheco, Orange County meter reader discusses Casey Anthony case on 'Good Morning America', Orlando Sentinel, January 14, 2009.
  19. ^ Bianca Prieto, Deputy in Caylee case faces firing, Orlando Sentinel, April 11, 2009.
  20. ^ "Casey Anthony released from jail". Central Florida News 13. August 21, 2008. Archived from the original on December 23, 2008. http://replay.web.archive.org/20081223151928/http://www.cfnews13.com/News/Local/2008/8/21/casey_anthony_released_from_jail.html. 
  21. ^ Caylee's Mother Casey Anthony Back in Jail, Bond Withdrawn, Fox News Channel, August 30, 2008.
  22. ^ a b Beth Karas, Casey Anthony pleads guilty in check fraud case, CNN, January 25, 2010.
  23. ^ "Missing girl's mom taken into custody". CNN. August 30, 2008. http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/08/29/caylee.arrest/index.html. Retrieved August 30, 2008. 
  24. ^ "Immunity offer email from Linda Drane Burdick to Jose Baez" (PDF). WFTV, August 29, 2008.
  25. ^ Time Runs Out on Deal for Missing Orlando Tot's Mother, Police Say No More Charges Yet, Fox News Channel, September 02, 2008.
  26. ^ "Caylee's mom goes home again". Orlando Sentinel. September 6, 2008. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/orange/orl-casey0608sep06,0,5244190.story. 
  27. ^ "Caylee's mom gets out of jail again". CNN. September 5, 2008. http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/09/05/fla.missing.girl/index.html. 
  28. ^ "Casey Anthony makes bail, going home today". Orlando Sentinel. September 5, 2008. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/orange/orl-caylee0508sep05,0,7306870.story. 
  29. ^ Barbara Liston, Looking for answers, Casey Anthony's father bought gun, Reuters, June 29, 2011
  30. ^ Caylee's Family Refused Offer to Take Lie Detector Test, Fox News Channel, September 12, 2008.
  31. ^ a b c d Escherich, Katie (December 12, 2008). "Timeline: Caylee Anthony Case Captivates Country". ABC News. http://abcnews.go.com/TheLaw/story?id=6448060. Retrieved July 5, 2011. 
  32. ^ "Caylee's mom named in murder indictment". CNN. October 14, 2008. http://articles.cnn.com/2008-10-14/justice/caylee.grand.jury_1_caylee-anthony-murder-indictment-capital-murder. Retrieved July 5, 2011. 
  33. ^ Copy of Casey Anthony seven count indictment, Discovery Channel blog, 2008.
  34. ^ Mother of Missing Florida Toddler Makes Initial Court Appearance on Murder Charges, FoxNews, October 15, 2008.
  35. ^ Copy of Indictment, at Discovery Channel website.
  36. ^ Edwards, Amy (October 22, 2008). "State drops neglect charge against Caylee's mother". Orlando Sentinel. http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2008-10-22/news/casey22_1_caylee-marie-anthony-neglect. Retrieved July 6, 2011. 
  37. ^ Mother arraigned in Caylee's death, United Press International, October 28, 2008.
  38. ^ Psychic Confirms She Spoke With Dominic Casey, WESH, January 13, 2009
  39. ^ Jessica Hopper, Casey Anthony Trial: Video of Vain Search Where Body Later Found, ABC News, June 27, 2011
  40. ^ Edwards, Amy L.; Lundy, Sarah (December 19, 2008). "Remains identified as missing toddler Caylee Anthony". Orlando Sentinel. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/breakingnews/orl-bk-caylee-anthony-body-dna-121908,0,1859200.story. 
  41. ^ Edwards, Amy L.; Sarah Lundy (April 13, 2009). "State to seek death penalty in Casey Anthony case". Orlando Sentinel. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/breakingnews/orl-bk-casey-anthony-case-death-penalty-041309,0,1925641.story. Retrieved April 13, 2009. 
  42. ^ Casey Anthony Update: Judge Slams Murder Defense for "Willful Violation" of Court Order, CBS News, January 4, 2011.
  43. ^ Carlin DeGuerin Miller, Casey Anthony Update: Defense Attorney Jose Baez Ordered to Pay $583.73 Fine, CBS News, January 7, 2011.
  44. ^ a b "Casey Murder Trial Brings Tears, Blame And Shame". WFTV Orlando. May 24, 2011. http://www.wftv.com/news/28001858/detail.html. 
  45. ^ Amy Pavuk, Anthony: Transcript of murder trial opening statement filed in defamation case, Orlando Sentinel, July 08, 2011.
  46. ^ Caylee Anthony’s Family ‘Appalled’ After Casey Anthony’s Attorney Blames Them for Death, Fox News Channel, May 24, 2011.
  47. ^ No smell of human decay in Casey Anthony's trunk: witness, Reuters, May 26, 2011.
  48. ^ Walter Pacheco, Defense bombshell: Caylee Anthony drowned in family swimming pool, Orlando Sentinel, May 24, 2011.
  49. ^ Jacqueline Fell, Adam Longo and Christine Webb, Day 2: Casey Anthony's ex-boyfriend takes witness stand, Central Florida News 13, May 25, 2011.
  50. ^ Jacqueline Fell, Adam Longo and Kelli Cook, Day 3: Ex says Casey Anthony told him Lee tried to 'feel her up', Central Florida News 13, May 26, 2011.
  51. ^ Jacqueline Fell, Adam Longo and Kelli Cook, Day 4: George Anthony questioned about smell in Casey's car, Central Florida News 13, May 27, 2011.
  52. ^ Casey Anthony Trial, Day 4, Discovery Channel, May 27, 2011.
  53. ^ Jacqueline Fell and Amanda Evans, Day 5: Cindy and Casey Anthony cry at sight of Caylee's bed, playhouse, Central Florida News 13, May 28, 2011.
  54. ^ Jacqueline Fell, Adam Longo, Kelli Cook and Christine Webb, Day 6: Casey Anthony jury hears 911 calls, Cindy in tears on stand, Central Florida News 13, June 08, 2011.
  55. ^ Jacqueline Fell, Adam Longo, Kelli Cook and Christine Webb, Day 7: Casey Anthony's brother, Orange County deputies testify, Central Florida News 13, June 08, 2011.
  56. ^ Jacqueline Fell, Adam Longo and Kelli Cook, Day 8: Jury sees Casey Anthony jailhouse videos, hears lies at Universal, Central Florida News 13, June 08, 2011
  57. ^ Jacqueline Fell, Adam Longo and Kelli Cook, Day 9: Crime scene technicians testify in Casey Anthony trial, Central Florida News 13, June 08, 2011.
  58. ^ Hair in Casey Anthony's trunk may be Caylee's: expert, Reuters, June 4, 2011.
  59. ^ a b Jacqueline Fell, Adam Longo and Kelli Cook, Day 11: Expert smelled death in air samples from Casey Anthony's car, Central Florida News 13, June 08, 2011.
  60. ^ Also see article about the earlier lab report: Sarah Lundy, FBI, Oak Ridge lab tests on Casey Anthony's car released, Orlando Sentinel, October 25, 2008.
  61. ^ Jacqueline Fell and Adam Longo, Day 13: Canines, computers and chloroform in Casey Anthony trial, June 09, 2011.
  62. ^ http://www.news-journalonline.com/breakingnews/2011/06/novel-forensics-tool-used-in-casey-anthony-trial.html
  63. ^ Jacqueline Fell, Adam Longo and Kelli Cook, Day 14: Photos of Caylee's skull make Casey Anthony ill, court ends early, Central Florida News 13, June 9, 2011.
  64. ^ Kyle Hightower, Prosecutors focus on duct tape in Casey Anthony trial, Associated Press, June 11, 2011.
  65. ^ Jacqueline Fell, Dave D'Marko and Kelli Cook, Day 15: Jury sees shocking animation of Caylee Anthony 'becoming' skull, Central Florida News 13, June 10, 2011.
  66. ^ Amanda Evans, Day 16: Bug expert compares samples in Casey Anthony's car, Caylee crime scene, Central Florida News 13, June 13, 2011.
  67. ^ Steve Helling, Casey Anthony Trial: Heart-Shaped Sticker Residue Found on Duct Tape, People, June 13, 2011.
  68. ^ a b Ashley Hayes, Examiner: Heart-shaped adhesive found on tape covering Caylee's mouth, CNN, June 13, 2011.
  69. ^ Jessica Hopper, Casey Anthony Trial: Defense Casts Shadow on Heart Stickers Found With Caylee's Remains, ABC News, June 16, 2011.
  70. ^ a b Kyle Hightower, Jurors see scant evidence in Casey Anthony trial, MSNBC, July 2, 2011.
  71. ^ Carlin DeGuerin Miller, Casey Anthony Trial Update: Heart stickers and hair evidence, CBS News, June 14, 2011 .
  72. ^ Jacqueline Fell and Adam Longo, Day 18: State may be done with witnesses in Casey Anthony trial, Central Florida News 13, June 15, 2011.
  73. ^ Jacqueline Fell and Adam Longo, Day 19: Prosecution rests, judge denies motion to acquit Casey Anthony, Central Florida News 13, June 15, 2011.
  74. ^ a b Jacqueline Fell, Adam Longo and Kelli Cook, Day 20: Casey Anthony's defense begins case, challenges DNA evidence, Central Florida News 13, June 16, 2011.
  75. ^ a b Jessica Hopper, Casey Anthony Trial: Defense Casts Shadow on Heart Stickers Found With Caylee's Remains , ABC News, June 16, 2011.
  76. ^ "Casey Anthony Defense Expert Contradicts State Entomologist", WKMG-TV Orlando, June 17, 2011.
  77. ^ Jacqueline Fell and Amanda Evans, Day 22: Judge threatens Casey Anthony's lawyer with contempt, Central Florida News 13, June 19, 2011.
  78. ^ Kelli Cook, Adam Longo and Jacqueline Fell, Day 24: New defense expert talks DNA in Casey Anthony trial, Central Florida News 13, June 21, 2011.
  79. ^ Kelli Cook, Adam Longo and Jacqueline Fell, Day 25: Another short day as Casey Anthony's defense brings in more experts, Central Florida News 13, June 23, 2011
  80. ^ Jacqueline Fell, Adam Longo and Kelli Cook, Day 26: Cindy Anthony says she searched for 'chloroform,' not Casey, Central Florida News 13, June 23, 2011.
  81. ^ Anthony trial: Photos show Caylee climbing into family pool, MSNBC, June 24, 2011.
  82. ^ Jacqueline Fell, Adam Longo and Kelli Cook, Day 27: Cindy and Lee Anthony give tearful testimony, Central Florida News 13, June 24, 2011.
  83. ^ Jacqueline Fell, Adam Longo and Janelle Jordan, Day 28: No court today after another abrupt recess in Casey Anthony trial, Central Florida News 13, June 25, 2011.
  84. ^ a b c Jacqueline Fell, Adam Longo and Kelli Cook, Day 29: Casey Anthony competent to stand trial, expert breaks down decomposition, Central Florida News 13, June 28, 2011.
  85. ^ Motion To Determine Competency To Proceed, Orlando Sentinel, June 25, 2011.
  86. ^ "Psychologists Determine Casey Anthony Mentally Competent". WKMG-TV. http://www.clickorlando.com/news/28367148/detail.html. Retrieved July 6, 2011. 
  87. ^ State: Casey Defense, Court Knew Of Software Issues, WESH, July 19, 2011.
  88. ^ Jacqueline Fell, Mistake in chloroform evidence in Casey Anthony case, Central Florida News 13, July 19, 2011.
  89. ^ "Casey Anthony trial: Judge Perry threatens to fine squabbling attorneys". Orlando Sentinel. April 1, 2011. http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2011-04-01/news/os-casey-anthony-science-experts-20110401_1_cindy-anthony-casey-anthony-jose-baez. Retrieved July 24, 2011. 
  90. ^ a b Jacqueline Fell, Adam Longo and Kelli Cook, Day 30: Roy Kronk testifies on finding Caylee Anthony's remains, Central Florida News 13, June 28, 2011.
  91. ^ Anthony Colarossi, Casey Anthony trial: Meter reader Roy Kronk testifies about finding remains, Orlando Sentinel, June 28, 2011.
  92. ^ Barbara Liston, Casey Anthony fiance testimony blocked, Reuters, June 29, 2011.
  93. ^ a b c d Day 31: George Anthony breaks down, jury hears from Kronk's son, grief expert, Central Florida News 13, June 30, 2011.
  94. ^ Read George Anthony's suicide note, Central Florida News 13.
  95. ^ a b Barbara Liston, Casey Anthony won't testify, Reuters, June 30, 2011.
  96. ^ Ashley Hayes, Defense Rests In Casey Anthony Trial, CNN, June 29, 2011.
  97. ^ Day 32: Defense rests, Casey Anthony won't testify, Central Florida News 13, June 30, 2011.
  98. ^ Jacqueline Fell, Adam Longo and Christine Webb, Day 33: Testimony ends, closing arguments start Sunday, Central Florida News 13, July 01, 2011.
  99. ^ Hal Boedecker, Casey Anthony: Did judge throw defense a huge bone?, Orlando Sentinel, July 3, 2011.
  100. ^ Jacqueline Fell, Adam Longo and Amanda Evans, Closing arguments continue Monday with state rebuttal in the case against Casey Anthony, Central Florida News 13, July 03, 2011.
  101. ^ Jacqueline Fell, Adam Longo, Kelli Cook and Christine Webb, The Case Against Casey Anthony - Jury deliberations continue Tuesday, Central Florida News 13, July 05, 2011.
  102. ^ Final written jury instructions, CNN, July 4, 2011.
  103. ^ "Casey Anthony Trial Update: Casey Anthony sentenced, headed back to jail", CBS News, July 7, 2011.
  104. ^ "Casey Anthony gets maximum jail time, could walk free in weeks". MSNBC. July 7, 2011. http://www.cnn.com/2011/CRIME/07/07/florida.casey.anthony.next/index.html. Retrieved July 7, 2011. 
  105. ^ Jamal Thalji, Casey Anthony jurors' names will be released — but not today, St. Petersburg Times, July 8, 2011.
  106. ^ Barbara Liston, Search group sues Casey Anthony for costly efforts MSNBC/Reuters, July 13, 2011.
  107. ^ "Casey Anthony Appeals Lying Conviction", ABC News, July 15, 2011.
  108. ^ Central Florida News 13 Florida State Attorney's letter regarding CacheBack Errors, July 19, 2011.
  109. ^ Lizette Alvarez, Software Designer Reports Error in Anthony Trial, New York Times, July 18, 2011.
  110. ^ Ravelle Mohammed, Casey Anthony: Release of Juror Names Postponed, The Christian Post, July 27, 2011.
  111. ^ Casey Anthony ordered back to Orlando to serve one year of probation, MSNBC, August 2, 2011.
  112. ^ Judge accused of bias in Anthony case, Fox News Channel, August 4, 2011.
  113. ^ a b Yunji De Nies and Jessica Hopper, Casey Anthony Should Not Have Served Probation While in Jail: Judge, ABC News, August 5, 2011.
  114. ^ Walter Pacheco, Casey Anthony's 'failure to protect' contributed to Caylee's death, DCF says, Orlando Sentinel, August 11, 2011.
  115. ^ "Casey Anthony Must Come Out of Hiding and Report for Probation", ABC News August 12, 2011.
  116. ^ Casey Anthony will appeal probation order, attorney says, CNN, August 15, 2011.
  117. ^ Jessica Harper, Casey Anthony Loses Probation Appeal, Must Come Out of Hiding By Friday, ABC News, August 23, 2011.
  118. ^ http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/aug/25/casey-anthony-reports-fla-probation-officials/ Casey Anthony reports to Fla. probation officials], Associated Press, August 25, 2011.
  119. ^ a b Michael Winter,Casey Anthony now owes $217K for Caylee's search, USA Today, September 23, 2011.
  120. ^ Warren Richey, http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Justice/2011/0915/Casey-Anthony-ordered-to-reimburse-state-97-000.-How-that-still-could-rise Casey Anthony ordered to reimburse state $97,000. How that still could rise, Christian Science Monitor, September 15, 2011.
  121. ^ Anthony Colarossi, Casey Anthony trial costs: How much she'll pay is up to judge, Orlando Sentinel, September 02, 2011.
  122. ^ Christina Ng, Casey Anthony Pleads the Fifth in Video Deposition from Undisclosed Location, ABC News, October 8, 2011.
  123. ^ Disguised Casey Anthony Takes The 5th. WKMG-TV, 2011-10-08
  124. ^ Casey Anthony jurors reportedly in hiding after judge releases their names, CBS News, October 25, 2011.